by John Paddy Browne
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Published to great acclaim in 1991, this book has stood the test of time, both as the standard reference book on the subject, and as a thoroughly good read.
After first issuing small scale maps in red card covers in the 1890s, the Ordnance Survey introduced decorative and pictorial covers after 1918, employing first class artists such as Ellis Martin and Arthur Palmer. This book is the history of the artists and the covers, illustrated throughout with maps covers, unused artwork and artwork for Ordnance Survey publicity, leaflets, booklets, Christmas cards and internal documents.
Perhaps the most popular section is the detailed twelve page listing by Roger Hellyer of the different map covers and major variants, accompanied by 199 small coloured illustrations of the major covers.
All copies offered are new and unused.
144pp illustrated, bibliography, 1991. New copy. £9 post free.
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If you are new to Ordnance Survey maps, we would suggest buying Map cover art, and two others to give a basic collector’s library. The other two books are :
Ordnance Survey small-scale maps : indexes 1801-1998, by Roger Hellyer, and
Old Series to Explorer : a field guide to the Ordnance map, Chris Higley, available from the Charles Close Society.